Challengers (2024) is an American romantic sports drama film directed by Luca Guadagnino, featuring a screenplay by Justin Kuritzkes. The story revolves around Tashi, a former tennis player turned coach, who becomes entangled in a love triangle with her low-circuit tennis player ex-boyfriend, O’Connor, and her tennis champion husband, Faist. Spanning thirteen years of their intertwined lives, the film leads up to a climactic match between the two men on the ATP Challenger Tour. Moreover, this article provides an easy way to download the English subtitles for this movie.
Tashi, now a coach, transforms her husband into a grand slam champion. To shake him out of a losing streak, she enters him into a lower-tier tournament where he faces Patrick, his former best friend and Tashi’s ex-boyfriend. Amidst high tensions, the story explores the complex sexual and romantic dynamics between Tashi, her husband, and Patrick. The dramatic climax reveals that Tashi had persuaded Patrick to deliberately lose the match by reigniting their past affair, a twist that contributes to the film’s critical acclaim.
Official Trailer: Challengers (2024)
From here, you can see the official trailer for this sporty romance movie.
How do I install this subtitle file on this movie?
Visit this page on subtitle installation to learn how to install the subtitle file on a movie file.