“Civil War (2024)” is a dystopian thriller film written and directed by Alex Garland. The story follows a group of journalists traveling from New York City to Washington, D.C., during a civil war in the United States, where an authoritarian federal government is fighting against several regional factions. With this article, you can easily download the Civil War (2024) English subtitle.
According to the film story, the United States is in the midst of a civil war between the federal government, led by a third-term president, and secessionist forces led by Texas and California. Veteran war photographer Lee Smith and journalist Joel, along with their mentor Sammy, plan to interview the isolated president in Washington, D.C. They are joined by Jessie Cullen, a young photojournalist.
The group witnesses various war atrocities, and Jessie grows as a war photographer. They encounter and survive numerous violent episodes, including a sniper battle and a militia execution. Sammy saves them but gets killed in the process. The trio reaches the Western Forces (WF) base in Charlottesville and joins the WF assault on Washington, D.C. Lee dies protecting Jessie, who ultimately documents the president’s capture and execution, capturing the final moments.
Official Trailer: Civil War (2024)
From here, you can see the Official Trailer for this action movie.
How do I install this subtitle file on this movie?
Visit this page on subtitle installation to learn how to install the subtitle file on a movie file.