Godzilla Minus One is a 2023 Japanese film written, directed, and with visual effects by Takashi Yamazaki. Produced by Toho Studios and Robot Communications and distributed by Toho. Set in postwar Japan, it follows a former kamikaze pilot suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after encountering a giant monster known as “Godzilla”. This article shows you an easy way to download the English subtitles for the movie.
Shikishima returns home to find his parents killed in the Tokyo bombing. Struggling with survivor’s guilt, he supports Noriko Ōishi, who also lost her parents, and an orphaned baby, Akiko. He finds work on a minesweeper clearing World War II naval mines. Meanwhile, Godzilla, transformed by U.S. nuclear tests, wreaks havoc on several ships as it makes its way toward Japan. In May 1947, Shikishima and his crew attempted to stall Godzilla near the Ogasawara Islands. Despite causing significant damage, Godzilla regenerates and continues its attack.
When Godzilla reaches Japan, it destroys much of Ginza, where Noriko works. She saves Shikishima but is presumed dead in the attack, prompting him to seek revenge. Naval engineer Kenji Noda devises a plan to sink Godzilla using Freon tanks, but the plan partially fails. Shikishima then sacrifices himself by crashing a plane into Godzilla, destroying its head and killing it, though he survives thanks to an ejection seat.
Upon returning home, Shikishima learns Noriko survived but is injured. Meanwhile, Godzilla’s flesh begins to regenerate as it sinks into the ocean.
Official Trailer for Godzilla Minus One (2023)
From here, you can see the official trailer for this action-sci-fi movie.
DOWNLOAD ENGLISH SUBTITLE : Godzilla Minus One (2023)
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