IF (2024) is an American live-action animated fantasy comedy film written, produced, and directed by John Krasinski. The plot of this movie follows a young girl and her neighbor, who find themselves able to see imaginary friends. This article shows you an easy way to download the English subtitles for the movie.

According to the movie, twelve-year-old Bea moves into her grandmother Margaret’s New York apartment while her father awaits heart surgery. Struggling with her father’s playful nature and trying to handle everything maturely, Bea discovers strange creatures and follows them to meet Cal, a man who works with imaginary friends (IFs) forgotten by their original children. Bea reluctantly helps Cal match IFs with new kids, but later realizes they should reunite with their original children. She successfully reconnects her grandmother with her IF, Blossom, and helps Blue reunite with his original kid, Jeremy.

During a crisis with her father’s health, Bea realizes the importance of needing her father and tells him a heartfelt story. Her father recovers, and Bea learns Cal is her own forgotten IF, Calvin. Reunited with Cal and the IFs, Bea and her father return home, and Cal continues his mission of reuniting the IFs with their original kids.

Official Trailer for IF (2024)

From here, you can see the official trailer for this animation-comedy movie.


IF (2024) English Subtitle

How do I install this subtitle file on this movie?

Visit this page on subtitle installation to learn how to install the subtitle file on a movie file.