Immaculate (2024) is an American psychological horror film directed by Michael Mohan and written by Andrew Lobel. The story follows a young novice who moves into a beautiful Italian convent and gradually uncovers its terrifying secrets. This article shows you an easy way to download the English subtitles for the movie.
Cecilia, a devout woman, finds herself embraced by the idyllic beauty of the Italian countryside as she accepts a position at a prestigious convent. However, as she settles in, Cecilia uncovers unsettling truths, revealing the sinister secrets hidden within the walls of her seemingly tranquil new residence.
Due to sharing similar premises and being released at about the same time, Immaculate and The First Omen have been dubbed “twin” films. Both films explore the issue of female bodily autonomy, depicting the “systemic control of women’s bodies reduced to vessels.”
Official Trailer: Immaculate (2024)
From here, you can see the official trailer for this horror movie.
How do I install this subtitle file on this Movie?
Visit this page on subtitle installation to learn how to install the subtitle file on a movie file.