Kung Fu Panda 4 is a 2024 American animated martial arts comedy movie. It’s the fourth movie in the Kung Fu Panda series and follows Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016). The film was directed by Mike Mitchell, with Stephanie Ma Stine as co-director. With this article, you can easily download the Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024) English subtitle.
Po, chosen as the leader of the peaceful valley, faces a new task. He must discover and mentor a fresh Dragon Warrior. Meanwhile, an evil sorceress plots to bring back all the dangerous villains Po defeated before. Aiming to unleash chaos once more into the spirit world.
Movie story
In the Valley of Peace, Po helps his father, Li Shan and Mr. Ping, open a new restaurant. Then, Master Shifu tells Po he must become a spiritual leader. This means he can no longer be the Dragon Warrior and must find a successor. Po struggles with this change, not wanting to lose his status.
Meanwhile, Po encounters a fox bandit named Zhen stealing weapons from the Jade Palace. He outsmarts her and sends her to prison. Later, mine workers inform Po that Tai Lung has returned and destroyed a quarry. Subsequently, Zhen reveals this was the work of a sorceress named The Chameleon, who can shape-shift and copy kung fu techniques by touching them.
Determined to stop the Chameleon, Po heads to Juniper City with Zhen, followed secretly by his worried fathers. After a tense encounter at a tavern, they escape to the Den of Thieves, where they meet its leader, Han, a friend of Zhen. With Han’s help, Po and Zhen find The Chameleon’s lair.
However, Zhen betrays Po, revealing she works for The Chameleon to steal Po’s Staff of Wisdom, which accesses the Spirit Realm. The Chameleon, disguised as Zhen, then throws Po off a cliff, but his fathers rescue him and convince him that change can be good.
Later, the Chameleon summons deceased kung fu masters and steals their techniques. Po escapes and reunites with Zhen. Determined, Po faces the Chameleon while Zhen, Ping, and Li gather allies. In the final battle, the Chameleon becomes a Chimera of kung fu masters and then a copy of Po. Po, pretending to be trapped, gives the staff to Zhen, who uses it to defeat the Chameleon. Po then returns the stolen techniques to their owners, who take the Chameleon back to the Spirit Realm.
Finally, back in the Valley of Peace, Po chooses Zhen as his successor and helps train her to become the next Dragon Warrior.
Official Trailer: Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024)
From here, you can see the Official Trailer for this Animation Movie.
How do I install this subtitle file on this movie?
Visit this page on subtitle installation to learn how to install the subtitle file on a movie file.