“South Park: The End of Obesity (2024)” is an American adult animated comedy television special episode. It is the seventh South Park television special, and the 328th episode of the series overall. With this article, you can easily download the English subtitle of this movie.
A new weight-loss medicine creates a frenzy in South Park. The advent of new weight loss drugs has a huge impact on everyone in South Park. When the overweight, foul-mouthed Eric Cartman is denied access to the life-changing medicine, the kids jump into action. Eric Cartman, desperate to lose weight with the expensive drug Ozempic, enlists Butters and Kyle to navigate the complex healthcare system, eventually deciding to make their own version. Meanwhile, Randy Marsh inadvertently joins a group of moms using weight-loss drugs by wearing his daughter’s crop top. As their homemade Ozempic gains popularity, they attract the ire of a cereal mascot mafia, leading to a chaotic series of events involving drug theft and sabotage. Ultimately, the story highlights the convoluted healthcare system, ending with Kyle’s call to end fat-shaming and Cartman gleefully heading to Pakistan to insult people freely.
Official Trailer of South Park: The End of Obesity (2024)
From here, you can see the official trailer for this adult animated comedy.
DOWNLOAD ENGLISH SUBTITLE: South Park: The End of Obesity (2024)
How do I install this subtitle file on this movie?
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