Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) is an American animated superhero film featuring Miles Morales as Spider-Man. It is the first animated Spider-Man movie and the first film in the Spider-Verse series, which explores a multiverse of alternate universes. The sequel, “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse,” released in 2023, achieved similar critical success and greater commercial success. A third film, “Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse,” and a spin-off focusing on female Spider-related characters are in development.
In the story, New York teenager Miles Morales tries to meet his father’s high expectations. To cheer him up, his uncle Aaron takes him to an abandoned subway station to paint graffiti. There, a radioactive spider bites Miles, giving him Spider-Man-like powers. He discovers a collider built by Kingpin, who wants to access parallel universes to bring back his dead wife and son. Spider-Man tries to disable the collider but is killed by Kingpin, who gives Miles a USB drive to stop the collider before he dies.
As the city mourns, Miles meets Peter B. Parker, an older Spider-Man from another dimension. They steal data to make a new drive but are discovered by scientist Olivia Octavius. Gwen Stacy, another Spider-Woman, saves them. They meet more Spider-People: Spider-Man Noir, Peni Parker, and Spider-Ham, who are also affected by the collider. The others tell Miles he lacks the experience to help.
Miles discovers his uncle is the villain Prowler, who Kingpin kills. Jefferson, Miles’ father, mistakenly believes Spider-Man killed Aaron. Peter restrains Miles to keep him safe but later inspires him. Miles controls his powers, makes his own suit, and helps the other Spider-People defeat Kingpin’s enforcers. He destroys the collider and saves the city. The police arrest Kingpin, and Jefferson sees Spider-Man as a hero.
Miles accepts his role as Spider-Man. Gwen contacts Miles from her dimension, and Miguel O’Hara, Spider-Man 2099, travels to Earth-67.
Official Trailer for Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
From here, you can see the official trailer for this animated movie.
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