In The Beekeeper (2024), a gripping tale of vengeance and justice, Adam Clay, a quiet beekeeper, lives a peaceful life as a tenant on the property of retired schoolteacher Eloise Parker. Their friendship is shattered when Eloise falls victim to a phishing scam that wipes out her life savings and a $2 million charity fund she managed. Heartbroken, Eloise tragically ends her life. Determined to avenge her, Adam turns to the Beekeepers, a shadowy intelligence group with whom he has a secret past.
As Adam tracks down the perpetrators, he takes on a dangerous web of criminals, starting with the ruthless call center boss Mickey Garnett. His quest leads him to Derek Danforth, the mastermind behind the scam, and Wallace Westwyld, a former CIA director now running security for Danforth Enterprises. The stakes rise when Adam uncovers that Derek has been funneling stolen funds into his mother’s political campaign—Jessica Danforth, the current President of the United States.
As Adam battles ex-special forces and FBI agents sent to stop him, the truth comes to light. Jessica must choose between protecting her son or revealing his crimes. In a climactic showdown at her beachside mansion, Adam confronts Derek in a final deadly encounter. With vengeance served, Adam slips away, leaving FBI agent Verona Parker, Eloise’s daughter, torn between justice and compassion as she lets him escape into the night.
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- Genres: Action, Crime, Thriller
- Language: English
- Release Date: January 12th, 2024
- Director: David Ayer
- Writer: Kurt Wimmer
- Stars: Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Bobby Naderi
- Runtime: 1 hour and 45 minutes
- IMDB rating: 6.3/10
Official Trailer for The Beekeeper (2024)
From here, you can see the official trailer for this action movie.
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