The First Omen (2024) is an American supernatural horror movie. Arkasha Stevenson directed it and wrote the screenplay with Tim Smith and Keith Thomas, based on a story by Ben Jacoby. It’s a prequel to The Omen (1976) and the sixth film in The Omen series. The story is about an American woman who goes to work at a church in Rome and discovers a dark plot to bring about the birth of the Antichrist. This article provides an easy way to download the English subtitles for The First Omen (2024).

According to the story, in 1971 Rome, amid protests, American novitiate Margaret Daino arrives at an orphanage and meets key church figures. She befriends mistreated orphan Carlita, who has bad visions, and is warned by Father Brennan about Carlita. Strange events, including a nun’s self-immolation, reveal a church conspiracy to bring about the Antichrist with Carlita as his mother. Margaret discovers her own forced impregnation during a satanic ritual and learns the Devil needs to mate with her to conceive the Antichrist. She gives birth to twins, with her son hailed as the Antichrist, but is unable to kill him. The conspirators escape with the boy, while Margaret and her daughter survive. Later, she learns her son, named Damien, is with an American diplomat, and she must remain vigilant against the conspirators hunting her.

Official Trailer for The First Omen (2024)

From here, you can see the official trailer for this supernatural horror movie.


The First Omen (2024) English Subtitle

How do I install this subtitle file on this movie?

Visit this page on subtitle installation to learn how to install the subtitle file on a movie file.