In The Plot (2024), Yeong-il, a brilliant designer of staged accidents, takes on his riskiest mission yet: eliminating a high-profile figure under global scrutiny. With his loyal team—Jackie, Wol-cheon, and Jeom-man—Yeong-il must execute the perfect crime, but one wrong move could expose everything. For a thrilling experience, don’t miss The Plot (2024)—and stay engaged by downloading the English subtitles now at!
- Genres: Action, Crime, Thriller
- Language: Korean
- Release Date: May 29th, 2024
- Director: Yo-sup Lee
- Writers: Yo-sup Lee, Kam-Yuen Szeto, Lik-Kei Tang
- Stars: Gang Dong-won, Lee Mi-sook, Tang Joon-sang
- Runtime: 1 hours and 40 minutes
- IMDB rating: 4.8/10
Official Trailer for The Plot (2024)
From here, you can see the official trailer for this crime-thriller movie.
How do I install this subtitle file on this movie?
Visit this page on subtitle installation to learn how to install the subtitle file on a movie file.